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£6.00 - £8.50

This issue is a celebration of hope, imagination, liberation and romance. Our contributors came together in our longest issue yet to respond to the theme with a huge range of visual art, poetry, essays and short fiction which span the personal, the political, the ideal, the real and beyond. It's a hugely meaningful issue for us, with some work which blew us away when it first fell into our inbox, so we really can't recommend clicking that order button enough.

As with the last issue, we have given you the option to pre-order a physical copy at regular price (£6 - a slight hike from the last issue to reflect the length of Issue 3) or to order an £8 version in order to support the growth of the magazine. As you know, we donate 50% of our profits to charity and invest the rest in growing the magazine towards our goal of paying contributors, so the money is going to a worthy cause (if we do say so ourselves). The charity we are supporting this issue is 'Helping to Leave', an organisation which helps people to evacuate from areas of military conflict, predominantly Ukrainians and all those forcibly deported to occupied territories of Ukraine or to Russia.

For this issue, for the first time, there is also the option to order the magazine in PDF/digital form for a cheaper sum of £3 (or £5 if you want to support us).